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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২০ নভেম্বর ২০২৩

Project Brief-BDITEC

ITEE was first administered in 1969. ITEE is becoming one of the largest-scale national examinations in Japan, and to date more than 15.4 million people have taken this examination and approximately 1.78 million have passed.

The objectives of ITEE are…
1) To create goals for IT engineers and provide motivation to improve individual technical competence;
2) To set clear skill criteria for IT engineers, thereby contributing to the establishment of educational standards in school education, vocational education and corporate in-house education; and
3) To establish objective criteria for companies and government agencies to evaluate IT engineers’ skills and competence upon employment, with the aim of raising the social status of qualified engineers. ITEE is widely used and highly valued by businesses and schools as a way to ascertain and improve one’s skill levels.

A total of 12 examination categories, ranging from entry-level tests to examinations covering comprehensive technologies, have been established. Passing the examination allows for the objective certification of IT knowledge.

Mutual Recognition of ITEE in Asia
ITEE is mutually recognized as equivalent to that in each of 11 economies of India, Singapore, Korea, China, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Taiwan, Malaysia and Mongolia.

Expected Output:
The expected outputs for the project activities are as follows.


  1. Operational capacity of the ITEE implementation agency is improved
  2. The proper set up to implement ITEE is established (recognition by ICT related people and collaboration among industry-government-academia)
  3.  ITEE examination system is established properly

A.1 Understand the management ability of ITEE implementing agency   staffs
A.2 Settle the training plan on ITEE introduction and its sustainable management
A.3 Conduct necessary trainings for ITEE implementing agency and ministry staffs (Public Relation (PR), recruitment of examinees, exam supervision, exam grading, management of successful candidates)
A.4 Develop a Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) on ITEE implementation.
A.5 Build up ITEE Management system.

B.1. Grasp the present situation of ICT industry and IT professionals in Bangladesh (Mapping of IT professionals, their level)
B.2. Increase the awareness about ITEE in Bangladesh (hold workshop, seminars in ICT events, create homepage, advertisement etc.)
B.3. Build a cooperation system among different stakeholders of ICT (industry-government-academia collaboration)


C.1. Develop a guideline on national examination/national certification and its operation system
C.2. Conduct trial test (at least twice)
C.3. Train ITEE question setters and establish their training system
C.4. Establish a system of training of trainers (TOT)
C.5. Develop a budget plan
C.6. Establish a mechanism of collecting exam fee
C.7. Apply for ITPEC membership
C.8. Hold ITEE examination (twice a year)
C.9. Develop ITEE rolling plan